Gamalt bilete av Hotel Bondeheimen.
Old image of Hotel Bondeheimen.

The culture hotel and it's history

Hotell Bondeheimen is, through the company Bøndenes Hus, owned by Bondeungdomslaget i Oslo (BUL).

BUL is a voluntary organization that was founded in 1899, and the organization offers cultural experiences such as folklore, music, theatre and sports for people of all ages. All the activities in BUL is based on traditional, Norwegian culture..

Bøndenes Hus AS is a company that owns the property in Rosenkrantz’ gt. 8, and runs three daughter companies within hotel, café and shops.

The other companies in the conglomerate are:

Kaffistova is one of Oslo's most traditional cafes, and has served traditional, Norwegian food for 117 years. The café also serves as the breakfast restaurant for the hotel every morning.

Heimenhusfliden started in 1912, and is today a production- and merchandising company with approximately 30 employees. We produce Norwegian traditional costumes from many areas of Norway, and sell crafts and design in our store. Everything at the best quality.

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